Latin Roots #5

Roots and Derivatives

  1. cent(i)
  2. cid(e)
  3. clam, claim
  4. cord, cour
Word List
  1. bicentennial~something that happens every 200 years, a 200 year anniversary, or something that lasts 200 years - The bicentennial of the French Revolution was in 1989.
  2. centenarian~someone who's lived to be 100 - My great-grandfather is a centenarian.
  3. centurion~a leader of 100 soldiers in the ancient Roman army; related to the military mind -  Someone who is able to command a centurion must have a higher position than said centurion. 
  4. clamorous~noisy, loud; insistently demanding - The sans-culottes of the French Revolution were probably very clamorous.
  5. concise~brief and to the point - If someone has to tell me some bad news, I'd prefer it to be concise rather than sugar-coated.
  6. concordance~a condition of harmony or agreement; an alphabetical list of words or passages used by an author - I have yet to find a concordance.
  7. cordial~nice and friendly - The teacher gave the new student a cordial welcome to make him feel less uncomfortable.
  8. discordant~disagreeable in sound; conflicting - Every wrong note was discordant to the song that was being played.
  9. genocide~the killing or attempted killing of an ethnic group - Hitler wanted the genocide of the Jews.
  10. incisive~keenly penetrating; cutting into - If given enough time, I could come up with incisive answers.
  11. proclamation~something that is being officially announced - The Emancipation Proclamation freed all the slaves in the South.
  12. reclaim~to take something back; to find a new purpose for something that was once useless - When the Europeans took away their land, the natives vowed that something they'll return and reclaim it.
